Norcros Permalayer 19.8 SQM

4 pieces in Stock


3.19 KG

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Q & A

hi, what adhesive should be used to fix this to a P5 wooden floor?Our Advice

We wouldn't advise installing it onto a P5 board. We would advise using a cement backer board. You could use our Keraquick Grey Fast Setting Adhesive 20kg SKU: 012120UK to adhere the permalayer to the substrate.

Colin W29/05/22
Hi is this a roll one big sheet?Our Advice

This roll is one piece measuring 1.2m wide and 16.5m in length.

Colin W29/05/22
Hi, is this product ok for outside use onto OSB board?Our Advice

We wouldn't advise using this method of installation for an exterior project.

Could I use this to stick on torch on felt before tiling a balconyOur Advice

We would not recommend tiling onto this substrate.

Does this need to be laid with adhesive under it ?Our Advice

Yes, this would need to be applied with a thin layer of adhesive underneath, just enough so that it begins to seep through the gaps in the permalayer, and then once this is set you can then begin to tile on top of it.

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