Ultracolor Moon White 103 Flexible Grout 5kg

81 pieces in Stock


5.00 KG

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Q & A

With 3mm tile gaps and tiles 600 x 300 how much area will 5kG of grout completeOur Advice

Grout consumption relies a lot on the size of the tiles and grout joint, but also the depth of the tile and so it can vary from one tile to another. Based on the measurement and grout size provided, assuming the tile is a standard depth of 8mm, 1 x 5KG bag would cover approximately 10-15m2

How do I work out how much I need?Our Advice

The Data Sheet on the product page should help to guide you. Alternatively, we would be happy to help

I am going to buy the bone crackle tiles - can I use this grout with them. It states above not to use with tiles with a 'soft glaze'.Our Advice

The Ultracolor Moon White 103 Flexible Grout 5kg (SKU: 6010305A) is suitable to use with our Craquele Bone Wall Tile (SKU 436180).

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