Share Your Outdoor Tile Photos and You Could Receive a £20 Amazon Voucher!

Incredibly happy with your outdoor tiles? Want to show off your completed project and get a little reward in the process? Well, read on as we’ve got something that’s right up your street…

Yes, we’re offering customers who’ve purchased large format outdoor tiles from our brand new Portico range the chance to bag themselves a £20 Amazon voucher just for sending in a few snaps of their new fully installed tiles!

Simply share your photos on our Facebook page or email them to, making sure that your contact details are up to date. If we use your pics on our website we’ll give you a crisp £20 Amazon voucher for your troubles (well, as crisp as a digital voucher delivered direct to your inbox can be).

Just so you know, we only use the best quality photos, so maximise your chances of bagging a voucher by making your photography as handsome as possible.

Some Tips on How To Take a Good Picture

Size Is Everything

Make sure the picture is as large as possible. If the picture is too small, we won’t be able to use it on our website. If you’re using your phone to take photos, make sure that the megapixel setting is set to the highest available option.

If sharing photo files directly from your device you’ll be asked if you want to send the images as small, medium, large, or actual size. Please choose ‘actual size.’ This may use up more data, so we recommend being connected to Wi-Fi.

Let There Be Light

The key to great photography is great lighting. You should try and take your outdoor pictures during what photographers call ‘the golden hour’ – an hour after sunrise and an hour before sunset.

Smartphone cameras generally struggle in low light settings, so pay attention to where light floods in and shadows fall as they’ll both be accentuated in your photos.

Don’t Be A Flash Harry

Camera flashes are designed to improve photos taken in low light environments. Flashes on smartphones however tend to make things worse as the flash itself sits too close to the camera and tends to create a load of glare, so use natural light wherever you can!

Phoning It In

As well as selecting the highest megapixel option your devices’ camera app has, you can play around with the settings to produce better photos. Options to control the white balance, ISO sensitivity, shutter speed, and aperture priority are all commonly available.

If all that sounds too advanced, just select the HDR (High Dynamic Range) mode if your phone has it. This setting helps your camera balance light and dark shades within a photo essentially by taking a darker image, lighter image, and a neutral one then combines all three to produce a final image most like what the human eye sees.

Edit Like A Boss

If you’re an Instagram users you’ll know that the difference between a good photo and a great one is often the processing that happens once the shot has been taken. We’re not suggesting that you whack your outdoor tile photos through a gazillion filters before sending but it’s always worth having a bit of a tinker with a photo editing app to make things look as best they can.

Your smartphone will likely have a built-in photo editor that will let you crop images and alter things like colour temperature, but if you want to go one step further, there are plenty of other editing apps out there to help you do all manner of things. Check out Snapseed for a great starting point.

So, what are you waiting for? Get snapping and get sending and soon enough, you could be spending (your £20 Amazon voucher).

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