Merry Christmas from all at Tile Mountain!

Season’s greetings all! We hope that Santa brought you exactly what you wanted and that you’re about to enjoy a lovely day with friends and family eating, drinking and generally being merry.

We’d like to thank you all for sticking with us this year and regularly coming back to devour the reams and reams of interiors-based content we lovingly produce for you throughout the year.

If you happen to be reading this during a lull in your Christmas Day celebrations (or if you’re just so bang into interiors and DIY that you simply must immerse yourself in it every single day) then we won’t tell anyone if you slink off and take a quick scan at all that lovely How-To content in our Help Centre.

Similarly, if you’re after a bit of interior inspo for an upcoming new year renovation project then you might want to check out our Tile Style section – it’s packed fuller than most people’s bellies on Christmas Day, only with useful interior trends features instead of pigs in blankets and After Eights.

If you’ve had a new phone or tablet for Christmas and/or want to get some insight on how to tackle that big tiling job you promised to get finished over the holidays then why not check out our YouTube channel – there’s all manner of useful instructional video guides to be found there and watching them will give your smart device a good work out.

Failing that, you could just bang on one of our Christmas Playlists, sit back and enjoy a good dose of festive revelry until you feel able to move again (that’s what we’re doing!).

Merry Christmas!

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